2022 The 6th International Conference on Integrated and Innovative Solutions for Circular Economy

International Conference (October 5, 2022)
World Cafe (October 6, 2022)
National Tsing Hua University 
Online: Through Cisco Webex
CTCI Education Foundation
National Tsing Hua University
National Taiwan University
Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy
Center for Corporate Sustainability
“2022 The 6th International Conference on Integrated and Innovative Solutions for Circular Economy” will be held on October 5-6, 2022 in Hsinchu, Taiwan. This Conference is organized by joint efforts of Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE), CTCI Education Foundation, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), and National Taiwan University (NTU). The Conference focuses on the area of Circular Economy with three technical sessions including (1) Geopolitics of Net Zero Pledge (2) Decarbonizing Supply Chains, and (3) Bioenergy/Hydrogen Energy Production and Utilization. The purpose of this conference is to foster the exchange and dissemination of state-of-the-art technical information among researchers, educators, and practitioners.
Timetable Events
08:30–09:00 Registration
09:00–09:40 Opening Remarks
Dr. Eugene Chien, Ambassador-at-large, Republic of China (Taiwan) and Chairman, CTCI Education Foundation
Dr. Nyan-Hwa Tai, Senior Vice President, National Tsing Hua University
Dr. Wayne Wang, Director General, Hsinchu Science Park Bureau, National Science and Technology Council, ROC
09:40–10:40 Moderator:
Keynote Speech(I)  Prof. Dr-Hab Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Brno University, Czech Republic
 Topic: Availability of Renewable Energy and Integration to Circular Economy: A solution to Energy Crisis?
Keynote Speech (II)  Prof. Matthias Beller, Director of the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis, Member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldin
 Topic: Catalysis - A Toolbox for Achieving a Circular Economy
10:40-10:55 Break
10:55–12:25 Moderator:
Keynote Speech(III)  Prof. David Zilberman, U. C. Berkeley, USA
Topic: The economics of the circular economy and the bioeconomy
Keynote Speech(IV)  Dr. Paul Feron, CSIRO Australia’s National Science Agency, Science Leader CO2-capture | Group Leader Sustainable Carbon Technologies
Topic: Advancing CCUS in Australia
Keynote Speech(V)  Prof. Alvin Culaba, De La Salle University, Philippines
Topic: Biorefinery System in Circular Economy
12:25-13:30 Break
Timetable Geopolitics of Net Zero Pledge
Moderator: Prof. Tze-Luen Lin
Decarbonizing Supply Chains
Bioenergy/Hydrogen Energy Production and Utilization
Moderator: Prof. Liang-Ming Whang
13:30-13:55 Circular Business Molds and Institutions
Prof. Brian Chi-ang Lin(Department of Public Fiance, National Cheng Chi University)
Progress of CCUS Technology in Taiwan Power Company
Dr. Ming-Wei Yang
(Taiwan Power Research Institute Taiwan Power Company)
Biotechnology for renewable energy production from waste treatment.
Prof. Liang-Ming Whang
(Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University)
13:55–14:20 How Jump-Starting China’s Circular Economy Strategy Can Bolster its Net-Zero Climate Ambitions
Prof. Han Shi
(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
The net-zero technologies and strategies in circular economy of the main greenhouse gas producers in Taiwan.
Chair Prof. Jimmy C. M. Kao
(Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University)
Harnessing microbial communities for bioenergy recovery and greenhouse gas mitigations.
Prof. Akihiko TERADA
(Department of Chemical Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology: Tokyo Noko Daigaku, Japan)
14:20–14:45 Promoting Circular Economy for 2050 Net Zero in Vietnam.
Dr. Vu Thi Hoai Thu
(National Economics University (NEU), Vietnam)
Transformation on decabonizing supply chains in electronics industry: A case study of spent solvent recovery.
Hsin-Hui Yen  Sales Manager
(CTCI- ECOVE Waste Management Corporation)
Agricultural Byproduct Valorization towards Net Zero: Perspectives and Prospects.
Assistant Prof. Shu-Yuan Pan
(Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University)
14:45-15:10 Thailand’s Bio-Circular-Green Economy (BCG) Model
Mr. Stanley Kang
Chairman of the Joint Foreign Chamber of Commerce Thailand
Towards to Net Zero with Supply Chains
Dr. B.S. Su
(ASE Group)
Integration of Bamboo Applications  into BECCS for Carbon Neutrality towards SDGs
Distinguished Prof. Pen-Chi Chiang
(Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University)
15:10–15:30 Discussion
15:30–15:40 Break
Timetable Geopolitics of Net Zero Pledge
Moderator: Chair Prof. Young Ku
Decarbonizing Supply Chains
Moderator: Chair Prof. Jimmy C. M. Kao
Bioenergy/Hydrogen Energy Production and Utilization
Moderator: Prof. Hsiao-Kan Ma
15:40–16:05 Sustainable Finance, Economic Competition and Global Trade - A Case Sharing of Taiwan
Prof. Hung-Hao Chang
(Department of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University)
Circular Economy Approaches Towards Net Zero Construction.
Dean Liang-Jenq Leu
(Taiwan Construction Research Institute)
Hydrogen: CSIRO Activities and Challenges
Dr. Nikolai Kinaev
(CSIRO, Energy BU, Brisbane, Australia)
16:05–16:30 Towards Carbon Neutrality by 2050 – Can Malaysia Achieve it?
Prof. Thomas Shean Yaw Choong
(Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia)
Construction Industry
Dr. Ir. Marc Ottelé
(TU Delft, Netherland)
Current Status and Future outlook for Hydrogen Energy in Taiwan
Dr. Wen-Sheng Chang
(Green Energy & Environment Laboratories / ITRI)
16:30–16:55 How Sweden accelerates its climate transition
Dr. Magnus Larsson
(Head of Industrial Relations, MAX IV Laboratory, Sweden)
Building Energy-Efficiency and Embodied Carbon Rating System in Taiwan’s Net Zero Carbon Policy
Prof. Hsien-Te Lin
(Department of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University)
Hydrogen Energy Production and storage
Mr.Thomas Ringmann
(Siemens Energy AG)
16:55-17:20 Roadmap to Net Zero Carbon Emissions in Gujarat - Challenges in Implementation
Prof. Kinjal J. Shah
(Department of Climate Change, Government of Gujarat, Gujarat, Indian)
CO2 Sequestration and High Purity CaCO3 Recovery from Concrete Waste via Aqueous Carbonatio
Prof. Tung-Chai Ling
(Hunan University, China)
2D NiCoP Nanoflakes for Efficient Electrocatalytic Water Splitting at High Current Densities.
Prof. Kuo-Chuan Ho
(Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University)
17:20–17:40 Discussion
17:40–17:50 Closing Remarks


召集人:國立臺灣師範大學環境教育研究所 葉欣誠教授

A: 地緣政治
A1  淨零政策與藍圖(Road map)
A2 循環經濟與環境保護、社會責和公司治理(ESG)
A3 碳交易與永續金融 

B: 脱碳供應鏈
B1 脫碳供應鏈:農業
B2 脫碳供應鏈:建築業
B3 脫碳供應鏈:電子業
C: 氫能與生質能生產與利用
C1 氫能生產與利用 
C2 生質能生產與利用
C3 生質能-碳捕捉與封存(BECCS)


時間 內容
08:30~09:00   來賓報到 
09:00~09:20   開館說明  
主題 地緣政治 脫碳供應鏈 生質能與氫能
09:20-09:55 A1. 政策與藍圖(road map)
(行政院 能源及減碳辦公室)
B1.  農業
(國立臺灣大學 生物環境系統工程學系)

C1.  氫能
(國立臺灣大學 機械系)

09:55-09:10 換場
09:20~09:55  A2. 循環經濟與環境保護、社會責和公司治理(ESG)
(國立中興大學 森林學系)
B2. 建築業
(國立臺北科技大學 環境工程與管理研究所)
C2. 生質能
(國立成功大學 環境工程學系)
09:55~10:00  換場
10:00~10:35  A3.  碳交易與永續金融
(國立臺灣科技大學 化學工程系)
B3. 電子業
(國立中山大學 環境工程研究所)
C3.  生質能-碳捕捉封存(BECCS)
(國立宜蘭大學 環境工程學系)
10:35~10:40  換場
11:20~11:50   茶敘 / 桌長會議 (參與者休息及茶敘) 
11:50~12:10   桌長總結報告  
12:10   散會 



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The organizers reserve the right to amend, cancel, or change any event content or details, and all information shall be deemed authoritative in accord with publishing on the official website only.